Northern Neck
Head Start
Community Partners
Middle Pennisula: http://www.mpnncsb.org/
Rural Infant Services Program: http://www.mpnncsb.org/eis_ris.php
Three Rivers Health District: http://www.trdhd.com/mx/hm.asp?id=home
Virginia Cooperative Extension: http://www.ext.bt.edu
Northern Neck Counseling Center
Mary Washington Washington Hospital Community Service Board:
On July 1, 2015, the Northern Neck Head Start program was awarded a much-needed and appreciated grant in the amount of $9,000.00 from the Mary Washington Hospital Community Benefit Fund. Northern Neck Head Start serves 120 students, ages 3 and 4, in the counties of Westmoreland, Essex, Richmond, Lancaster, and Northumberland, and the Town of Colonial Beach. NNHS offers comprehensive services to its students, including school readiness preperation and a variety of health and dental services. The grant funds will be used to pay for a Qualified Mental Health Professional and a Registered Nurse who will be contacts by the program to provide services to the students. Both the program staff and the families they serve are very thankful to the Mary Washington Hospital Community Service Board for their generous contribution to the program.